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Studio quickstart

Get started with an accelerated introduction to the Tableland Studio.

The Tableland Studio is a web application and accompanying CLI that allows you to create teams, projects, and tables. It is a great way to get started with Tableland and is fully compatible with the other Tableland libraries, such as the SDK and smart contracts.

For more detailed information on the Studio, see the Studio docs.

Web app quickstart

1. Create an account & team

Start by going to, signing in, creating an account, and creating a team. By default, personal team is created that doesn't have external use collaboration options. However, if you want to add collaborators, you can create another team with external users enabled.

2. Create a project

Once you have a team, you can create a project by clicking the "New project" button on the homepage. A project is a collection of tables across one or more chains.

3. Create a blueprint

Once you have a project, you can create a blueprint by clicking the "New table" button on the project page. A blueprint is a template for a table that can later be deployed to a live network. It defines the table's name, description, types, and constraints. For example, you might input the following into the blueprint creation form:

  • Table name: my_table
  • Columns:
    • A column named id with type INTEGER and constraint PRIMARY KEY.
    • A column named val with type TEXT and no constraints.
  • Description: "This is my starter table.""

4. Deploy a table

After a blueprint is set up, you can navigate to the "Deployments" tab and click the table you wish to deploy to and its corresponding network. This will bring you through a browser wallet flow since all table creates are an onchain operation and incur transaction fees.

Studio CLI quickstart

1. Install the Studio CLI

First, make sure the Studio CLI is installed globally:

npm install -g @tableland/studio-cli

2. Initialize & log in

You must first create an account in the web app, and then this can be used to log in and create a local session key. It's best to use the init command to configure your desired default chain, private key, and provider URL. This creates a tablelandrc.json file that stores these values locally.

studio init

After you walk through the prompts, you can log in and automatically use these values. The login command is based on the wallet's private key used when you created your account, the desired chain, and the provider URL.

studio login

Note: if you want to override default value from the init command, you can pass in the --chain, --privateKey, and --providerUrl flags.

3. View your teams & projects

Once you have logged in, you can view your teams:

studio team ls

Or, you can view the projects across teams:

studio project ls

4. Set the context

Based on the outputs from the step above, you can set the context to a specific team or project:

studio use team <team-id>
studio use project <project-id>

This makes it easier to use future commands since you don't have to specify the team or project each time. You can also choose to change the default chain or provider URL in case they change from what is set in the init command.

5. Import data

Let's say we have a CSV file called data.csv that looks like this:


Assuming we created a table called my_table with a schema that matches the columns/types of the CSV file, you could them import data into the table:

studio import-data my_table data.csv --pid <your-project-id>

Next steps

There are plenty of other actions you can take with the Studio CLI—the full Studio CLI docs outline them in detail. In this example, we'll import data from a CSV file into a table.