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Polling controller & aborting queries

Define custom logic to control Database methods & transaction polling behavior.

All asynchronous Database method calls take an optional PollingController object, which may be used to abort an inflight query. Note that this will only abort queries (including wait status), not the actual mutation transaction itself.


A PollingController is a wrapper around an AbortSignal with some extra behavior. The object includes:

  • signal: An AbortSignal object.
  • abort: A function that will abort the signal.
  • interval: The polling interval in milliseconds.
  • cancel: A function that will cancel the polling interval.
  • timeout: The polling timeout in milliseconds.

We'll walk through how to use this with the Database methods, and the polling for transactions docs show how to use it with the Validator API.


The @tableland/sdk package includes a helpers export, which includes a createPollingController function that can be used to create a PollingController object. By default, this is already used in all statement methods like all, run, first, and raw, and it is also used in the Database methods for batch and exec as well. But, if you'd like to use this functionality to alter the default behavior, you can create one with createPollingController and pass your own values.

The default values are 60 seconds for the timeout and 1500 milliseconds for the interval, so you'd replace these with your own.

Statement methods

To demonstrate how it works, the example below shows how a controller is created and then passed to the all() method. The setTimeout is used to abort the query after 10 milliseconds, which will cause the all() method to throw an error due to an early abort. These methods can take an optional opts object that includes the controller.

import { helpers } from "@tableland/sdk";

const controller = helpers.createPollingController(60_000, 1500); // polling timeout and interval

const stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM my_table");

setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 10);
const young = await stmt.all({ controller });
Error: The operation was aborted.

This pattern works for all of the statement methods: all, run, first, and raw. Note that first can also take a parameter for the column name, so its usage might look like stmt.first("id", { controller }).

Database methods

As noted, the statement methods use a top-level options parameter opts, which is where the controller is passed within the object. However, the Database methods for batch and exec do not take the options object opts, and instead, they simply take the controller directly as an optional parameter.

import { helpers } from "@tableland/sdk";

const controller = helpers.createPollingController(60_000, 1500); // polling timeout and interval

// Pass to batch
await db.batch(
db.prepare("insert into my_table values (1)"),
db.prepare("insert into my_table values (2)"),

// Pass to exec
await db.exec(
"insert into test my_table (1); insert into my_table values (2)",