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Validator API

The Validator API allows for direct access to a Tableland Validator node.

Setting up a validator node connection starts by importing a Validator. The methods defined in the Gateway REST API are exposed in the SDK, such as checking the health of a node or getting a table's name. Note that a validator can use a Database instance's config, which requires a baseUrl param in order to connect to and query a validator node. Alternatively, the SDK's helpers module provides a getBaseUrl function that can be used to determine the correct URL for a given chain ID.


If you haven't already, make sure the SDK is installed in your project:

npm install @tableland/sdk


The Validator class requires a baseUrl param to connect to a validator node. The base URL is one of the following, and the getBaseUrl helper function can be used to determine the correct one for your chain:

  • (mainnets)
  • (testnets)
  • http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ (local)

All of these examples will use Local Tableland, so the chain ID is defined as 31337, but you can use this on any supported network. There are few ways to set up the Validator class. You can use the forChain method with a chain ID or ethersjs chain name:

import { Validator } from "@tableland/sdk";

// Pass a chain ID or ethersjs chain name to the `forChain` method
const validator = Validator.forChain(31337); // Replace with your chain ID

The getBaseUrl helper function can be used to determine the correct URL for your chain:

import { Validator, helpers } from "@tableland/sdk";

// Pass the `getBaseUrl` helper function a chain ID (or ethersjs chain name)
const baseUrl = helpers.getBaseUrl(31337); // Replace with your chain ID
const validator = new Validator({ baseUrl });

Or, you can use the Database class's config to instantiate a Validator instance:

import { Database, Validator, helpers } from "@tableland/sdk";

// Instantiate a `Database` instance with a `baseUrl` param; no `signer` needed
const db = new Database({
baseUrl: helpers.getBaseUrl(31337), // Replace with your chain ID

// Pull info from an existing Database instance
const validator = new Validator(db.config);


Get health status of a validator node; returns true if healthy, false otherwise.

// Check health info
const isHealthy = await;
console.log(isHealthy); // true


Get version information, returning version information about the validator daemon.

const version = await validator.version();

This will return an object with the following properties:

gitCommit: 'bd7c3ab',
gitBranch: 'HEAD',
gitState: 'clean',
gitSummary: 'v1.9.0',
buildDate: '2023-11-17T19:07:13Z',
binaryVersion: 'git'


Get table information by providing an object with chainId and tableId fields, returning the table's name, schema, and other metadata. Note that tableId must be converted to a string.

const tableInfo = await validator.getTableById({
chainId: 31337,
tableId: "1", // Must be a string

This will log something like:

name: 'healthbot_31337_1',
externalUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/tables/31337/1',
animationUrl: '',
image: '',
schema: { columns: [ { name: 'counter', type: 'integer' } ] },
attributes: [ { displayType: 'date', traitType: 'created', value: 1700348503 } ]


Query the Tableland network directly and get the results of a SQL read query (i.e., no writes or creates). The parameters include an object with:

  • statement (required): The SQL SELECT statement to execute.
  • format (optional): Can be "objects" (default) or "table".
  • extract (optional): A boolean to extract the results.
  • unwrap (optional): A boolean to unwrap the results.

See the Gateway API's query formatting docs for more information on the optional parameters noted above; the extract and unwrap are only for special cases with "objects". Here's an example of a simple query that formats the output as either "objects" or "table":

const query = await validator.queryByStatement({
statement: "SELECT counter FROM healthbot_31337_1",
format: "objects", // default
// [
// {
// counter: 1
// }
// ]

To use the unwrap & extract functionality, you can target a single column and keep the output as the default "objects" format:

const query = await validator.queryByStatement({
statement: "SELECT counter FROM healthbot_31337_1",
unwrap: true,
// Unwraps the surrounding array
// { counter: 1 }


Get transaction status from a create or write transaction hash. The parameters include an object with:

  • chainId: The chain ID of the transaction.
  • transactionHash: The transaction hash of the create or write transaction.
const receipt = await validator.receiptByTransactionHash({
chainId: 31337,

If the transaction exists, the it'll log table and chain information, meaning, the transaction was seen by the validator:

tableIds: [ '2' ],
transactionHash: '0x577789da0325fc53bffaa845ba7a24500ccf058d8a3dd001774e8bf118646eb7',
blockNumber: 14664,
chainId: 31337

If the transaction is still pending and has not been seen by the validator, it'll throw a 404 error with Not found.


Polls for the status of a given transaction receipt by chainId and transactionHash, waiting until its complete. See the polling transactions docs for more advanced polling usage.

const poll = await validator.pollForReceiptByTransactionHash({
chainId: 31337,
transactionHash: 0x577789da0325fc53bffaa845ba7a24500ccf058d8a3dd001774e8bf118646eb7,

This will log the same response as above but will wait for the transaction to complete before returning the response.